
Know that feeling when no one loves you?
The one where not even your family understands you.
The one where you think your family will be better off without you.
The one, that you are lonely, insignificant.
And you are left all alone
thriving to be loved,
to be accepted and understood at least by someone.
Where you do the most bizarre things to feel loved but end up being embarrassed.
You know the root cause of your despair,
but can’t throw it out.
Not because you don’t want to,
but because you are scared,
that no one’s gonna accept you.

To want to go out there and face the damn world.
But can’t,
because you fear being judged,
you fear being laughed at.
And there’s nothing you can do.
You hope that someone will eventually understand you,
but no one does.
When people tell you that you are worthless,
and because of all those years you’ve spent listening to this,
you start doubting yourself.
Losing confidence,
Losing interest in the very things that made you feel alive.

The feeling,

That you’ve had it enough,

And you want it all to end.

And that’s when the thought crosses your mind
The thought of killing yourself,
because that’s the only way out of this right?
The only way to stop listening to people laughing at you.
Listening to the unsaid judgements they pass about you.
The only way to get out of this hellhole.
The only way the stop the headaches that come along with the muffled cries at night.
The only way stop feeling worthless, unloved.

And that’s when you need to cut those thoughts out
Start living for yourself
Be selfish,
Because the world is selfish.
No one cares if someone lives or dies.
The only person who will be affected is you.
Trust me,
Your family will cry for you for a few days and then start living their lives normally,
Your friends will feel sorry for you and they too will go on with their lives,
Your lover will find someone else to love,
Eventually everyone will forget you,
You will become nothing but a photo frame hung on the walls.

People will live, love and enjoy their lives as they used to earlier.
Most of them will forget that you existed.
The only person to be at loss will be you.

Losing all the chances to prove yourself,

Losing all the chances of falling in love with yourself. Again.

Losing all the chances to love your life all over again.

The only person at loss will be you.

Trust me with these words,
cause this was told to me my one my very close family member, when I thought about committing suicide.

No one is as affected by your actions as much as you are

No is affected by your hatred as much as you are

And no one will be affected by your love as much as you yourself will be.

And that’s gonna be the truth, till the end of the world.

So drop the idea of suicide

Go out there
Live your life
Do things that you have always wanted to
Dance your heart out

Paint till the rainbow looks colourless
Sing till you get a sore throat
Love yourself till you feel overwhelmed
Be selfish