Free The Nipple

There’s a controversy going on about Free The Nipple movement.
But I don’t understand what all that is about.
If it’s about letting women dress the way they want if it is about not judging women on their external features.
There’s only one question I would like to ask all of you, who support it.

Why exactly are women not allowed to wear what they want?

Is it because of the rules of society or is it because of the mentality?

Though I don’t support this movement, I’m ready to step out without a bra, for your satisfaction.
But, can you guarantee me, that no man will stare at me with those lustful eyes and no woman will stare at me in disgust?

If you can’t do that and still support this movement, then I believe, you only know one side of the story.

The story that has been told to you since you were a kid.
That a woman needs to be in her limits.

I totally agree with this.

Wait, before you go all crazy saying, ‘How can you call yourself a Feminist and still support this oppression.’

Let me tell you the other side of the story, which is the answer to the question

Why can’t women in our country wear what they want?

Remember when boys and girls used to play together as kids?
Girls actually used to do the stuff boys did.
From playing cricket to climbing trees. From running all over the corridors to jumping over fences.

But as we grew older, we also grew apart.

Not because women suddenly started to think less of ourselves as compared to men. No.

Because women are taught at a very young age that men are made in a certain way.
They can do anything they want.

But women have to think about their families, the community, the society before even uttering something meaningful.

What if someone hears it, and thinks that you have lost your mind?

What if people start blaming your parents for not providing you #Sanskar.

I remember an incidence from fourth grade.
Some boys (our classmates) had commented on a girl’s breasts because they were too big for that age.

When I was in sixth grade, our class teacher once declared that boys and girls are not allowed to touch each other, and the whole class was confused, because it had never been a problem before.

Actors who are fulfilling the requirements of their jobs by shooting nude scenes are trolled, harassed and slut-shamed for it. (And these same men wouldn’t have watched the show if they knew, that there are no nude scenes).

Forget about clothing rights,

90% of women are still oppressed in India. I say 90 because, when someone says that their family is open-minded and stuff, they are still being oppressed in one or the other way.

42% of girls in the country have been sexually abused.

95% of the rapists were not strangers, but family, friends and neighbours.

Over 50% of men and women still believe that women sometimes deserve a beating.

To be honest, I’ve never witnessed anyone teaching a boy, how to respect fellow human beings, let alone women.

It is because of that lack of respect that women are raped in their own houses by their own relatives.

It is because of that lack of respect, that a girl from fourth grade had to deal with such comments.

It is because of that lack of respect, that women are still oppressed in our so-called progressive nation.

It is because of that lack of respect, that we have to fight for clothing rights.

My Dear Fellow Feminists,

Don’t you think, before clothing rights, we must fight for the respect we actually deserve from society?
Don’t you think, the number of those lame-ass comments on your pictures will subside once people start looking at us as human beings and not as objects?

Food For Thought.