What exactly is the difference?

As I left my home, I suddenly started feeling that I’m more open minded and accepting than the others who surround me.

Not because I have had some psychiatric therapy, but because I’ve observed others having a bizarre opinion.

Okay, first of all let me tell you, I’m talking about the sexual orientation acceptance problems in our country.
No matter how educated we are, no matter how modern we get, we’ll always judge and criticise people.

What I don’t understand is, what is wrong with being a lesbian or gay or bisexual or cis or trans or anything else (Yes, there are more than two sexual orientations) I mean it’s not that when you are anything other than straight, then you eat dirt, or bathe in chemicals or do anything out of this world. It’s just people having different romantic interests.

I have friends who overreact whenever homosexuality is talked about.

1) Like Ewwww, how can someone be homosexual?

2) Or whenever I held my best friend’s hand I’ve been asked (first taken into a corner) are you lesbian?

3) I also have a friend who just for fun asked her parent’s, what would they do if she was a lesbian. The reply she got was horrific. She was told that they would get her operated. I was shocked. What part of your child’s body are you exactly going to get operated?

1:- It is not unnatural to have interests in the same gender. Before judging someone, please can you people at least read the articles and studies, that state that even animals have homosexuality and not only humans.

2:- No I’m not lesbian, but whenever I feel uncomfortable I hold my bestie’s hand.

3:- It’s not that there’s an extra organ on their body and which is the reason for their sexual orientation and you can cut it down. Scientists have not yet found out what exactly determines your sexual orientation. And Thank God for that.
Because we humans tend to change things even if it hurts someone else.

And along with this stupid mentality of people, also the government does the work of adding fuel to the fire, which is:

Section 377
It reads as

377. Unnatural offences: Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal shall be punished with imprisonment for life, or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine.

Explanation: Penetration is sufficient to constitute the carnal intercourse necessary to the offence described in this section.

And it is funny how a country that fought for freedom for over 150 years bans one thing as private, as sexual desires. and then they say Privacy is A Fundamental Right.

I think there are more important things to be acted upon like murders and poverty eradication etc.

But again this is India and we are so used to being under someone’s rule that we won’t stand up ourselves or HUMAN BEINGS.

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