This Women’s Day I did not wish anyone. Also, I did not reply to people with a simple thank you or same to you.
Because, I know, the exact next day, all these people who made me feel special for being a woman, will start trying to make me apologize for the same.

All those You are beautiful in your own skin & all will disappear into thin air, and won’t be found until the next 8th March.
I’ve always loved being a woman, except for those times, when I’m questioned about
1. The tone of my voice.
2. About the way, I walk.
3. The way I dress.
4. The way I sit or stand.
It’s funny that along with all the other things women are assigned a proper way to sit.
There’s a lady like way and then there’s a manly way.
How the hell it becomes a manly way when I’m a woman?

Even a young girl of 12 years of age is asked to sit properly (and properly, being with her legs closed) in front of men in the house.
Only because, even though the girl is well dressed, if she sits with her legs spread, her genitals will be visible.
And what about men roaming in the house wearing only Kachha’s?
Oh yes!
Fact no. 1. : Women are raised not to look at men lustfully.
Fact no. 2.: Men do not have genitals at all. So how does the question of women looking at them rise at all? Right?

And it’s funnier that this happens in a country where women are worshipped.
We worship goddesses. And the stories we’ve learnt about them are incredible.
In the ancient age, women were treated exceptionally.
But gradually in the middle, they started being ill-treated. To the extent of killing them if they disobeyed.

Women are also known as Ghar ki Laxmi. Because when a woman is married off she brings a huge sum of dowry with her, making the family rich. So obviously.

These ridiculous practices have reached a level where, it is said that it is not good for a woman to eat too much, neither is acceptable for a woman to be too thin. Because that might lead to problems during her pregnancy. Even here, her capacity for bearing kids is prioritized instead of her health.
But when a man does the same it is said that, “Oh he’s a man and he needs the nutrition.” Or “Oh he’s trying to be fit. ”

When a man fights for his rights he’s called a Leader.
But when a woman fights for her rights she’s just screaming for attention.

The problems of illiteracy, gender pay gap, early marriage to spending too much money later, sexual harassment, acid attacks have been there all these years.

And to make things worse, we women though living in the 21st century, instead of supporting each other, oppose each other. When this stops, incredible things will happen.

Empowered Women, Empower Women.
So I hope, in the future there will be no female leaders. There will only be LEADERS.

Here’s to all the women who along with being beautiful and hot are also BRAVE and STRONG.

So this Women’s Day I’m just going to say.

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