And my phone died

It’s been 6 months since I have moved to the UK now.
And I feel its been long enough to jot down my experience.
So, funny story, I was ten minutes away from the gate & was hogging a burger when my sister calls me & starts yelling at me for not boarding the flight. Apparently, I was so engrossed in talking to my friend that I did not notice that in half an hour the flight was going to take off.
Luckily, I did not miss it. Phew!!!
Nine & a half hours later, I’m in London and I’m getting my baggage checked, as I realize I’ve missed my flight to Leeds (the result of me being late earlier).
Surprisingly, while I was waiting for my next flight, I was absolutely not bothered that I am in a different country. Yeah, there were different people around me. That’s it.
So, I spend those 8 hours talking to my family, friends & watching TV shows & occasionally window shopping.
As I board the flight, it hit me. “OH MY GOD. I am so far from my home, my family, the people I love.”

Every time someone tried to talk to me, I had to force back my tears.
By the time I landed in Leeds, I was exhausted.
Me being the stupid ass person I am, I had not booked any hotel or accommodation prior to coming to Leeds. So I talked to some people, and one girl offered to help. I stayed at her place for the night.
The next day as I am getting out of her room, she and her friend stared at me as if I was the one who bombed the Twin Towers. I explain to them that I have no place to stay & I’ll have to keep my bags there for time being.
I went out, but obviously, I had no idea where to go, so I sat on a park bench for 4 straight hours in the cold with no jacket on, trying to find a place to stay. Finally, I find a place, but my phone battery is at 5%. I go to her place, pack my bags. She tells me how to book a cab.
I get down to the entrance & as I set my foot out and lock the door behind me, I realize, with 2% battery I now have to get the internet working, book a cab & call the manager to inform her that I’m gonna reach the place in few minutes. As this realization dawns upon me, my phone dies.

How to get 10x fairer in a day *CLICKBAIT*

“Hey, you need to study harder, any way you are not fair enough to be married off easily.”

Once my friend pulled up a scarf on her head to protect herself from the sun saying she could get a tan. Other girls, who followed her immediately commented, “You are already black, how dark can you get?” Followed by a sadistic laugh. (This happened in third standard.)

I have never understood the obsession we Indians have with fair skin.
Being Indians, why do we want to look pale?

If you study the geographical placement of India, you’ll notice that it lies exactly on the equator. Which means, most of the land is affected by the heat of the sun. In simpler words, India is a tropical country. Naturally, due to sunlight and heat, our skin tends to be brown. Our eating habits also add to it.

True, North Indians do happen to be fair-skinned, but only because it is a colder region.
Our very own Yami Gautam, who plays the, ‘Oh, so beautiful and preachy woman’ in the Fair and Lovely Commercial also happens to be from Himachal Pradesh, so naturally, she is fair-skinned.

Hindustan Unilever, the company that owns Fair and Lovely, is a British-Dutch company. This is why the term, “Angrez chale gaye lekin gulaami yahi chhod gaye” is still relevant.
We have been enslaved to the culture so much that even after 72 years of freedom, we haven’t been able to leave behind at least the toxic part of it. I am not against accepting the western culture. But to the level of being ashamed of our own roots? What good has it done?

Even those who made us feel ashamed of our skin tone are into contours and bronzers to make their skin look a little less pale.

I have seen women all my life, applying fairness creams every single day, the only thing I did was keep a check of their changing skin tone. And guess what? Nothing happened. Absolutely, nothing.

There will be people saying that I am just putting up an act of being worried about others. I am fair-skinned, and it really shouldn’t bother me. Trust me, I have heard my relatives saying, “But you know what Bhagyashri? Dark-skinned people are always good at heart.” When I didn’t even say anything about their skin tone, doesn’t make sense.

I have also heard comments on my skin tone worse than the ones I mentioned above. I have been told all my life, and I quote, “If you don’t study hard, the only people who will consider your presence, will be those lecherous animals looking for some feast.” Believe it or not, that’s the last thing any sane human being would want.

If you aren’t satisfied with your skin colour, go on and change it. No one’s gonna stop you. What is going to happen after that? Will you feel more YOU? No. At most, you will feel embarrassed and uncomfortable because, after all those years, sudden changes are difficult to accept.

Even if it is something you have despised all your life.


Back in 8th grade, I remember vividly, I went home. Removed my school uniform, stood in front of the mirror and started examining if my body looked any different than other popular girls.

A few days earlier we had a health checkup in school. We were weighed, and I turned out to be 48 kilograms, and I was okay with it until other girls walked in saying “Thank God I weigh only 35/36/40 kilograms, I am good. It’s the bones though, I don’t have fat.” It hit me. I have never been okay with my body since then.

I wanted to be noticed by the people around me. I wanted to be acknowledged at least for something.

I had accepted that I was dumb (because I couldn’t do maths), so the only other way people would notice me was, if I were good looking.

Sometime later I got stuck with the idea that I wasn’t good looking or maybe I didn’t have the right figure so no one notices me. What’s even funnier is that I always saw teachers paying attention to either the smartest girl in the class or when not discussing about studies, to the most good looking girl. I always saw boys chasing this one girl. Almost half of the people I knew, either had a major crush on her or wanted to be like her and around her. So I tried to fit in with that group, (which did more harm than good).

When nothing worked I started being extra nice to people, and let them use me, for completing their homework, journals, I used to be the postman in their relationship, all sorts of things. In the pursuit of being noticed, I always put myself in second place around the people I’d hang out with. The only thing all of this helped me with was losing self-confidence. I gained more weight. Of course. A teenage girl, who had just hit puberty, was unaware of her own self, what would she do? Try even harder. Doing stupid things, seeking validation from people around her.

My already high temper started rising even more.

It was 9th grade. I had started failing in Mathematics. With absolutely no hope of passing that year, I carried on with all the things I mentioned earlier. Passed 9th grade. I had started seeing a therapist back then. My parents thought I might harm myself. That lady asked me all sorts of questions. Why would I want to kill myself? Blah blah blah. She even hypnotized me. I had a feeling that I’m gonna be a better person at the end. I had also become really good friends with a girl who distracted me from all of that. Who made me realize that I am beautiful. She almost brought me to the point where I no longer needed validation from people around me.

But obviously good things don’t last long. We passed our 10th grade. She shifted to another city. I went to the therapist again hoping that he would convince my family to not force me, but unfortunately, I had to take up a stream that I had absolutely no confidence in.

Everything went back to how it was earlier. I started getting comments on how I act like a man. Stories about me throwing fits started circulating again (this time in a different circle). I started failing all the subjects. I started questioning my abilities, my looks, my sanity.

But the biggest blow was yet to come. Year ended and the results came out. I had failed 11th grade. Took the 12th exams externally. Passed by below-average marks. Failed the one and only entrance exam I had taken. Changed my stream. Felt I wasn’t doing justice to my capacity so opted for even worse. Left it in the middle. Again took the entrance exam. Failed miserably. By now. It has been 4 years. I haven’t been able to do anything good with myself.

I gained even more weight. Started getting roasted for being fat (publicly). Sitting idle at home and doing nothing only aggravated everything.

I have started feeling that no one respects me. Craving for that respect is dreadful by the way. I pick fights with everyone, for not being nice, for not serving food properly, for them existing. Anything people do, I see it as a sign of disrespecting me. Even someone breathing loudly agitates me. I keep comparing myself with the people that surround me. I keep belittling myself over everything. Crying every single day doesn’t help.

When I try to distract myself by surfing the internet. I always stumble upon the perfect descriptions of what happens when you have depression or anxiety.

In the last year, I have heard more lectures about how I am not an ideal kid, that every parent would want than I have had of all the other subjects until now. I have become the black sheep of my family.

I have lost so many friends in all those years, that I am only left with three people whom I call my friends. But, I can’t even bring myself to trust them enough to call in a crisis.

The only thing that keeps me going is hope. A hope that I will be able to do something good with my life in the future. A hope that I will be respected in the future. A hope that I will be genuinely happy.



The literal definition of tomboy that I found on the internet is :

A tomboy is a girl who exhibits characteristics or behaviors considered typical of a boy, including wearing masculine clothing and engaging in games and activities that are physical in nature and are considered in many cultures to be unfeminine or the domain of boys.

Weird isn’t it?

So here is something to clear up all the people’s head who think like Wikipedia.

Misconceptions people have about Tomboys:

A Tomboy is a Boy in a Girl’s body – What does that even mean?

I love my body. And I wouldn’t swap it for a guy’s body in any given situation.

Are unaware of the typical girl problems – Pfft. Please. Don’t forget we were brought up by women and not aliens.

I won’t discuss my broken nail or unmatched clothes with a guy. But, I do that with my girlfriends who actually know what that really means.
Also you won’t see me obsessing over these things as much as I obsess over other *ahem* important things.

Loves to dress up like boys – Every girl, tomboy or not loves to dress up. Period. Who wouldn’t want to slay everything. Dude, I’d love to wear a dress and slay it but, can you guarantee me that if I have to run away from somewhere I’ll be able to do that in a dress?
Do you get that? It is just easier to run away or jump over fences in jeans and t shirt than in a (this isn’t the exact word I would use to describe them) girly outfit.

Hates other girls – Absolutely not. I have grown up to see women around me go through fire and water to get where they are today. And I guess. Anyone would love and respect such women. That’s the kind of women I’d prefer to hang out with. Instead of those who sit in a Cafe sipping coffee, gossiping until their jaws fall out, but when it comes to getting shit done, they’ll either push their jobs on someone else or avoid getting the job done.

Are either lesbians or bisexuals- I have been asked this one question so many times. Half of the people still think that I am lesbian. Nope. Not at all. Stop categorizing guys.

They are emotionless and don’t respect others-
This is the worst part, because tomboys come off to be cool and stuff. It absolutely does not mean that we don’t feel anything. Tomboys are just better at handling emotions and no matter what a girl looks like from outside, one little word of rudeness could shatter her down to pieces.
And they do respect people. It’s just that we have a lower affinity towards bullshit.

We are lazy af – When it comes to waking up early to take a bath and put on tons of makeup. Yes. We are lazy.

But when it comes to getting a job done. We are as good at as other normal people are.


Now I’m gonna share my own personal experience.

I have always been the most hyperactive kid. Yeah. Not girl. Kid (i.e gender neutral).
Maybe I am this way cause I was brought up among boys. Maybe because no one actually sat me down and told me “Oh no. You’re a girl. Act nice and sweet.” Or whatever.
But I was happy being me. Running around everywhere. Jumping over the fence. (Yes. We’d actually ask our van guy to drop us a little away from home so we could jump across the walls of buildings). Playing sports. Playing pranks etc.
Oh. Also. I have a short temper. So no one had any idea when I would burst in anger.
As I grew up. I started sitting as I pleased. I realized boys walk in a much cooler way than girls. So I started walking like guys. Slowly I started incorporating abusive words in my regular language. (much earlier than other girls did.) My language was also little bit intense. I had the guts to tell the teachers that they acted like the principal’s pets. I had the guts to hit people if they annoyed me enough. I would easily pick fights with them.
I was pretty confident and strong willed about myself back then.
All this gained me the title of tomboy. Now. Let me tell you, I wasn’t aware of this term at all. Our English teacher came up to me when I abused a guy verbally and said. “Bhagyashri, don’t be a tomboy.” That was when I came to know about this term. And that’s when I realized that tomboys aren’t considered good.
Then I left school. Started college. Suddenly there were so many girls around me. Everyone started telling me that I need to act like a girl. I need to calm down a little bit.
Not that I was hearing all this for the first time. But so many people, saying the same things started to make me feel uncomfortable about who I was. Guys would actually text me to let me know that someone told them the story of how I almost slapped a teacher, or how I banged my head against the bench when I couldn’t contain my anger. Of how I was a Gunda of the school and all. And now they feel they need to be scared of me and stuff.
On my 18th birthday I decided that I’ll start acting like a girl from now on.
Which I pretty much accomplished. Except for the fact that I can be straightforward af. Which is considered rude and ungirly. I started to walk like girls (well, almost.) I can almost control my anger now. And be nice to people. (For which I had to take therapy by the way.)
But all of this was way out of my comfort zone.

So I started being unhappy. I used to be the most talkative (never making sense though) in the bunch and I bearly speak a word now.
I used to be pretty confident about myself. But now have to check a thousand times before I step out of the house.
I never had stage fear or that sort of thing. Now I can’t even say hi to one person.

In the process of trying to change myself from a tomboy to a girl. I gave up so much. But the only thing people take notice of is the outer appearance. So I’ve changed for good according to some people now.
But if you ask me. I’m stuck. Stuck between being a good girl, who’ll be nice to people on their faces, will have a fake smile so that they don’t feel offended. Have a low tone.
And between being a tomboy. Who’d dress as she wanted. Walk as she pleased. Had the guts to put forward her opinion. Wouldn’t sweat like hell when meeting someone new. Who could speak her mind and not worry about what people thought of her.

So stuck. That I can’t seem to get out of this zone, and will probably stay here for a while now.

Anyway. So the point is.
These girl – coded cultural stereotypes are a way of telling girls that if they don’t follow them. They are not only not really girls, but more of boys.
That there is a right way of being a girl and wrong way.. Well, a right way of being a boy.

Messed up. I know.

Men And Mental Health

I decided to write about this topic a long time ago.

If I’m being honest here, the only reason it took me so long to post it was because it was difficult to put everything into words.

The main problem was, when i tried to do some research, i noticed somethin

g shocking. There wasn’t much content online (as compared to women’s or let’s say general mental health issues.)

I also realised, that it is really easy for women to speak about their problems, and is acceptable for us to do so.

Every time I decide to write about something, I do talk to some of my girlfriends.

But it was difficult to talk to the guys. Because :

1) It was awkward asking these questions.

2) I knew no one would open up.

3) The ones I turned to, avoided talking about it. (Mostly what they told me was, how men are generalised).

Anyway. Let’s start from the start.


The society has certain expectations from men.

Since a very young age, (let’s say 2/3 ) whenever a boy cries, he is aksed not to, because he’s a boy, and boy’s don’t cry.

As they grow older, these expectations turn unrealistically high. Crying becomes a taboo.

A man should be able to control his feelings. It’s simply not acceptable for a man to have too many feelings.

Career achievements, how much money they make and things that they provide for their family become the criteria for success.


Use of drugs to cope with fears and failures such as – unemployment, divorce, separation from their children (in case the custody goes to the mother), minimal visitation rights is found more in men as compared to women.


It is expressed differently by men.

In the early stages of depression, they may show irritability, anger, hostility, aggressiveness, risk taking and escaping behaviour.

Masking more typical symptoms like sadness, crying, feelings of guilt and changes in appetite.

These signs are early indicators of depression.

It is suggested to seek help in such cases.

But, men do not usually seek help for mental illnesses, which leads to severe aftereffects.


1) Afraid of looking weak or stupid.

2) Real men don’t ask for help.

3) Being vulnerable means you are not tough.

4) Depression will make you a burden to others.

Men are told all their lives to “man up” and “be strong”. Accessing mental health resources can seem against cultural expectations and can hurt their pride.

When it comes to men, fighting depression is totally different.

Not only you have to fight the illness, but you also have to fight the stigma attached to it.

For men, the fear of looking weak or unmanly adds to the strain.

Anger, shame and other defenses can kick in as self protection but ultimately prevent from seeking help.


Suicide is an impulsive act, which is a result of a range of factors, difficulties and distress.

– Feeling depressed, withdrawn and anxious

– Loss of interest in work, socialising or even in their appearance.

– Drug and Alcohol misuse

– History of trauma or abuse

– Unemployment

– Poverty

– Imprisonment

– Violence

– Family breakdown

– Sense of pride

– Older people suffer from the loss of loved one’s and friends and can feel, isolated, ignored, worthless or dependant on others.

Talking about suicide is still highly stigmatized which is the main reason why so many people attempt or commit suicide and all we’ve got to say is, “Had we known what was going on in his head, we would’ve stopped him from doing this. ”

Unsuccessful first attempts are often followed by successful second attempts.

Men are supposed to come home from work.

Not talk about his day.

Eat his dinner.

Have a cigarette and some whiskey and he is perfectly content and happy.

As long as he has sex as well.

Right. Forgot about this.

Though men are seen as perverts. Not every man is a SEX ADDICT.

There’s so much for men to worry about other than sex.

Strength, courage, independence, violence and assertiveness. The problem is, men are supposed to be all of the above, and that’s not practical.

Men can get scared, they can be emotional, they can get vulnerable, they can feel the need to rely on someone too, just like women do.

They were born with it. So why does the society feel the need to push men away from all these emotions.

The world wrongly taught our men to mask their emotions and that Being Strong Means Being Silent.


Free The Nipple

There’s a controversy going on about Free The Nipple movement.
But I don’t understand what all that is about.
If it’s about letting women dress the way they want if it is about not judging women on their external features.
There’s only one question I would like to ask all of you, who support it.

Why exactly are women not allowed to wear what they want?

Is it because of the rules of society or is it because of the mentality?

Though I don’t support this movement, I’m ready to step out without a bra, for your satisfaction.
But, can you guarantee me, that no man will stare at me with those lustful eyes and no woman will stare at me in disgust?

If you can’t do that and still support this movement, then I believe, you only know one side of the story.

The story that has been told to you since you were a kid.
That a woman needs to be in her limits.

I totally agree with this.

Wait, before you go all crazy saying, ‘How can you call yourself a Feminist and still support this oppression.’

Let me tell you the other side of the story, which is the answer to the question

Why can’t women in our country wear what they want?

Remember when boys and girls used to play together as kids?
Girls actually used to do the stuff boys did.
From playing cricket to climbing trees. From running all over the corridors to jumping over fences.

But as we grew older, we also grew apart.

Not because women suddenly started to think less of ourselves as compared to men. No.

Because women are taught at a very young age that men are made in a certain way.
They can do anything they want.

But women have to think about their families, the community, the society before even uttering something meaningful.

What if someone hears it, and thinks that you have lost your mind?

What if people start blaming your parents for not providing you #Sanskar.

I remember an incidence from fourth grade.
Some boys (our classmates) had commented on a girl’s breasts because they were too big for that age.

When I was in sixth grade, our class teacher once declared that boys and girls are not allowed to touch each other, and the whole class was confused, because it had never been a problem before.

Actors who are fulfilling the requirements of their jobs by shooting nude scenes are trolled, harassed and slut-shamed for it. (And these same men wouldn’t have watched the show if they knew, that there are no nude scenes).

Forget about clothing rights,

90% of women are still oppressed in India. I say 90 because, when someone says that their family is open-minded and stuff, they are still being oppressed in one or the other way.

42% of girls in the country have been sexually abused.

95% of the rapists were not strangers, but family, friends and neighbours.

Over 50% of men and women still believe that women sometimes deserve a beating.

To be honest, I’ve never witnessed anyone teaching a boy, how to respect fellow human beings, let alone women.

It is because of that lack of respect that women are raped in their own houses by their own relatives.

It is because of that lack of respect, that a girl from fourth grade had to deal with such comments.

It is because of that lack of respect, that women are still oppressed in our so-called progressive nation.

It is because of that lack of respect, that we have to fight for clothing rights.

My Dear Fellow Feminists,

Don’t you think, before clothing rights, we must fight for the respect we actually deserve from society?
Don’t you think, the number of those lame-ass comments on your pictures will subside once people start looking at us as human beings and not as objects?

Food For Thought.


Know that feeling when no one loves you?
The one where not even your family understands you.
The one where you think your family will be better off without you.
The one, that you are lonely, insignificant.
And you are left all alone
thriving to be loved,
to be accepted and understood at least by someone.
Where you do the most bizarre things to feel loved but end up being embarrassed.
You know the root cause of your despair,
but can’t throw it out.
Not because you don’t want to,
but because you are scared,
that no one’s gonna accept you.

To want to go out there and face the damn world.
But can’t,
because you fear being judged,
you fear being laughed at.
And there’s nothing you can do.
You hope that someone will eventually understand you,
but no one does.
When people tell you that you are worthless,
and because of all those years you’ve spent listening to this,
you start doubting yourself.
Losing confidence,
Losing interest in the very things that made you feel alive.

The feeling,

That you’ve had it enough,

And you want it all to end.

And that’s when the thought crosses your mind
The thought of killing yourself,
because that’s the only way out of this right?
The only way to stop listening to people laughing at you.
Listening to the unsaid judgements they pass about you.
The only way to get out of this hellhole.
The only way the stop the headaches that come along with the muffled cries at night.
The only way stop feeling worthless, unloved.

And that’s when you need to cut those thoughts out
Start living for yourself
Be selfish,
Because the world is selfish.
No one cares if someone lives or dies.
The only person who will be affected is you.
Trust me,
Your family will cry for you for a few days and then start living their lives normally,
Your friends will feel sorry for you and they too will go on with their lives,
Your lover will find someone else to love,
Eventually everyone will forget you,
You will become nothing but a photo frame hung on the walls.

People will live, love and enjoy their lives as they used to earlier.
Most of them will forget that you existed.
The only person to be at loss will be you.

Losing all the chances to prove yourself,

Losing all the chances of falling in love with yourself. Again.

Losing all the chances to love your life all over again.

The only person at loss will be you.

Trust me with these words,
cause this was told to me my one my very close family member, when I thought about committing suicide.

No one is as affected by your actions as much as you are

No is affected by your hatred as much as you are

And no one will be affected by your love as much as you yourself will be.

And that’s gonna be the truth, till the end of the world.

So drop the idea of suicide

Go out there
Live your life
Do things that you have always wanted to
Dance your heart out

Paint till the rainbow looks colourless
Sing till you get a sore throat
Love yourself till you feel overwhelmed
Be selfish



Uss nahi si jaan ko toh yeh tak nahi pata tha k uske sath ho kya raha hai.
Aur hadd to dekho. Majahab ko bich me lakar iss baat ko aise nazarandaaz krne no koshish ki jaa rahi thi jaise kuch hua hi nah ho. Naare langaye jaa rahe the.
Kyuki uska naam Nandini, Gayatri ya Shivani na hote hue Asifa tha.
Mehez 8 saal ki bachhi ke jism ke sath khilwaad hua.
Abhi to use dhang se aurat aur mard me fark karna nahi aata tha. Hindu Muslim kya khak jaanti.
Har kisi par usi masoomiyat se bharosa kar leti hogi jis masoomiyat se apne Maa Baap par karti thi.
Maa chahe Hindu ho ya Musalman dil uska utni hi jor se cheekhta hai.
Baap chahe Hindu ho ya Musalman aansu usi rang ke behte hai.
Apni bachhi ki laash ko samne dekh kar maut bhi aa jaye to kam lagta hai.
Sharam aati hai aaj khudko uss majahab ka hissa mante hue jisne bachpan se aurat ki ijjat karna sikhaya tha aur aaj usi seekh ko pairo tale raundte hue dekh rahi hu.
Pata nahi aur kya kya dekhna padega iss desh ko badalne as pehle.
Ya phir ye sab dekh kar, badalne se pehle hi sharam ke samandar me doob marega.


This Women’s Day I did not wish anyone. Also, I did not reply to people with a simple thank you or same to you.
Because, I know, the exact next day, all these people who made me feel special for being a woman, will start trying to make me apologize for the same.

All those You are beautiful in your own skin & all will disappear into thin air, and won’t be found until the next 8th March.
I’ve always loved being a woman, except for those times, when I’m questioned about
1. The tone of my voice.
2. About the way, I walk.
3. The way I dress.
4. The way I sit or stand.
It’s funny that along with all the other things women are assigned a proper way to sit.
There’s a lady like way and then there’s a manly way.
How the hell it becomes a manly way when I’m a woman?

Even a young girl of 12 years of age is asked to sit properly (and properly, being with her legs closed) in front of men in the house.
Only because, even though the girl is well dressed, if she sits with her legs spread, her genitals will be visible.
And what about men roaming in the house wearing only Kachha’s?
Oh yes!
Fact no. 1. : Women are raised not to look at men lustfully.
Fact no. 2.: Men do not have genitals at all. So how does the question of women looking at them rise at all? Right?

And it’s funnier that this happens in a country where women are worshipped.
We worship goddesses. And the stories we’ve learnt about them are incredible.
In the ancient age, women were treated exceptionally.
But gradually in the middle, they started being ill-treated. To the extent of killing them if they disobeyed.

Women are also known as Ghar ki Laxmi. Because when a woman is married off she brings a huge sum of dowry with her, making the family rich. So obviously.

These ridiculous practices have reached a level where, it is said that it is not good for a woman to eat too much, neither is acceptable for a woman to be too thin. Because that might lead to problems during her pregnancy. Even here, her capacity for bearing kids is prioritized instead of her health.
But when a man does the same it is said that, “Oh he’s a man and he needs the nutrition.” Or “Oh he’s trying to be fit. ”

When a man fights for his rights he’s called a Leader.
But when a woman fights for her rights she’s just screaming for attention.

The problems of illiteracy, gender pay gap, early marriage to spending too much money later, sexual harassment, acid attacks have been there all these years.

And to make things worse, we women though living in the 21st century, instead of supporting each other, oppose each other. When this stops, incredible things will happen.

Empowered Women, Empower Women.
So I hope, in the future there will be no female leaders. There will only be LEADERS.

Here’s to all the women who along with being beautiful and hot are also BRAVE and STRONG.

So this Women’s Day I’m just going to say.

What exactly is the difference?

As I left my home, I suddenly started feeling that I’m more open minded and accepting than the others who surround me.

Not because I have had some psychiatric therapy, but because I’ve observed others having a bizarre opinion.

Okay, first of all let me tell you, I’m talking about the sexual orientation acceptance problems in our country.
No matter how educated we are, no matter how modern we get, we’ll always judge and criticise people.

What I don’t understand is, what is wrong with being a lesbian or gay or bisexual or cis or trans or anything else (Yes, there are more than two sexual orientations) I mean it’s not that when you are anything other than straight, then you eat dirt, or bathe in chemicals or do anything out of this world. It’s just people having different romantic interests.

I have friends who overreact whenever homosexuality is talked about.

1) Like Ewwww, how can someone be homosexual?

2) Or whenever I held my best friend’s hand I’ve been asked (first taken into a corner) are you lesbian?

3) I also have a friend who just for fun asked her parent’s, what would they do if she was a lesbian. The reply she got was horrific. She was told that they would get her operated. I was shocked. What part of your child’s body are you exactly going to get operated?

1:- It is not unnatural to have interests in the same gender. Before judging someone, please can you people at least read the articles and studies, that state that even animals have homosexuality and not only humans.

2:- No I’m not lesbian, but whenever I feel uncomfortable I hold my bestie’s hand.

3:- It’s not that there’s an extra organ on their body and which is the reason for their sexual orientation and you can cut it down. Scientists have not yet found out what exactly determines your sexual orientation. And Thank God for that.
Because we humans tend to change things even if it hurts someone else.

And along with this stupid mentality of people, also the government does the work of adding fuel to the fire, which is:

Section 377
It reads as

377. Unnatural offences: Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal shall be punished with imprisonment for life, or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine.

Explanation: Penetration is sufficient to constitute the carnal intercourse necessary to the offence described in this section.

And it is funny how a country that fought for freedom for over 150 years bans one thing as private, as sexual desires. and then they say Privacy is A Fundamental Right.

I think there are more important things to be acted upon like murders and poverty eradication etc.

But again this is India and we are so used to being under someone’s rule that we won’t stand up ourselves or HUMAN BEINGS.